Name: Steven Bourne

Born: January 7, 1944, in United Kingdom

  • British computer scientist.
  • Known for authoring the Bourne shell (sh), the foundation for the standard command line interfaces to Unix.
  • Worked on an ALGOL 68 compiler at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.
  • Studied the Game of Life with mathematician John Conway.
  • President of the Association for Computing Machinery (2000 - 2002).

Significant publications

  • The UNIX System (1982).
  • The UNIX System V environment.
  • Adb debugger.

Honors and awards

  • Fellow of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) (2005).
  • ACM Presidential Award (2008).
  • ACM Oustanding Contribution Award (2017).
  • Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society.