Time Required
20 minutes
- Nose
- 11 steps
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What you need
Step 1
- Rip out about five inches of stitches from around the bear’s snout.
Rip out about five inches of stitches from around the bear’s snout.
Step 2
- Remove stuffing from around the bear’s snout.
Remove stuffing from around the bear’s snout.
Step 3
- Flip the fabric of the snout inside out to expose the back of the plastic nose.
Flip the fabric of the snout inside out to expose the back of the plastic nose.
Step 4
- Remove the plastic backing of the teddy bear’s nose (if it’s still there). You may have to use pliers.
Remove the plastic backing of the teddy bear’s nose (if it’s still there). You may have to use pliers.
Step 5
- Pull the nose out of the front of the teddy bear’s face.
Pull the nose out of the front of the teddy bear’s face.
Step 6
- Push the front of the new nose through the existing hole in the teddy bear’s face.
Push the front of the new nose through the existing hole in the teddy bear’s face.
Step 7
- Attach the nose backing on the inside of the teddy bear’s nose.
Attach the nose backing on the inside of the teddy bear’s nose.
Step 8
- Restuff the teddy bear’s nose with the stuffing you took out.
- You may need to add more stuffing if the bear’s nose looks flat or deflated.
Restuff the teddy bear’s nose with the stuffing you took out.
You may need to add more stuffing if the bear’s nose looks flat or deflated.
Step 9
- Thread the needle with about 18 inches of thread the same color as the bear’s fur or stitches.
Thread the needle with about 18 inches of thread the same color as the bear’s fur or stitches.
Step 10
- Sew the teddy bear’s face using a whip stitch until the opening is completely closed.
- For help with sewing a whip stitch, follow this guide: How to Sew a Whip Stitch.
Sew the teddy bear’s face using a whip stitch until the opening is completely closed.
For help with sewing a whip stitch, follow this guide: How to Sew a Whip Stitch.
Step 11
- Once the face is completely sewn shut, knot the end of the thread, and cut off the excess.
Once the face is completely sewn shut, knot the end of the thread, and cut off the excess.
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with 2 other contributors
Nazib Khan
Member since: 09/28/2021
193 Reputation
1 Guide authored
University of North Texas, Team 1-13, Raign Fall 2021
Member of University of North Texas, Team 1-13, Raign Fall 2021
2 Members
1 Guide authored