Student-Contributed Wiki

An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.

This wiki is to address common problems with the Tengda S5+ and list potential solutions.

Phone’s speakers make a crackling sound when used.

Listening to audio at higher volumes can cause the speakers to emit a crackling sound. Lower the volume on the device to fix this problem.

If your phone has recently been exposed to or dropped into water, this may have damaged the speakers. Water damage will require that the speakers be replaced. Use the Speakers Replacement Guide for assistance.

Sometimes the speakers make this noise without any apparent reason. If so, the speakers may be defective and need to be replaced. Use the Speakers Replacement Guide for assistance.

When I turn on my phone, I get a SIM Card Error.

This may be caused by the SIM Card being to loose in it’s housing. This can be fixed by turning off the phone and resecuring the SIM card located under the back case and above the battery. Use the Battery Replacement Guide to gain access to the SIM card.

A SIM Card error may be caused by a dirty SIM card. This can be fixed by turning off the phone and removing the SIM card located under the back case and above the battery. Use the Battery Replacement Guide to gain access to the SIM card. Wipe the connection points on the SIM Card with a dry microfiber cloth before placing in it back in the phone (do NOT use water).

SIM Card errors may also be caused by using the wrong type of SIM card for your phone. Check your phone’s owner manual to find out what kind of SIM card your phone requires. You can also check the Tengda S5+ device page here.

I plug my phone into the charger, but it doesn’t charge.

The phone will not charge if the correct charger is not used. Check the phone’s owners manual or the Tengda S5+ device page to see what kind of charger is needed.

Sometimes the charger may be damaged. Try charging the phone with a different charger or replacing the broken one.

When I press the Home Button, it doesn’t work.

A dirty home button can cause it to be unresponsive. To solve this problem, follow the Home Button Replacement Guide to gain access to the home button and clean any dirt away.

After I charge my phone, the battery dies quickly.

The battery in your phone may be too old. Old batteries lose their ability to hold charge and will require a battery replacement. Follow the Battery Replacement Guide for assistance.

If your phone has received any damage lately, this might have also damaged the battery. Damaged batteries will need to be replaced. Follow the Battery Replacement Guide for assistance.

Another cause of a quickly dying battery is overcharging. This occurs when you leave your phone charging overnight or for long periods of time. Next time you charge your phone, only leave it charging until your phone is fully charged.