Student-Contributed Wiki

An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.

No matter what position the on/off switch is in your TI-5130 won’t turn on.

It is possible that the TI-5130 has come unplugged, or you have a blown fuse. Make sure that the calculator is plugged into a live outlet.

Power cords can be damaged over time by pets, desk chairs and other equipment. Check that the power cord is not kinked or broken; such as chew marks from pets or a pinched wire. It is possible that you need to replace the power cord.

Transformers can wear out overtime or be blown by a power surge. It is possible that the transformer has blown and needs to be replaced.

The TI-5130 will turn on, calculate and feed paper but the paper is coming out blank.

Ink Cartridges can dry out over time from continuous use or lack of use. It is possible that the ink cartridge needs to be replaced.

The TI-5130 will turn on and calculate, but it is not printing the paper is not feeding.

You may have accidentally turned the printer switch to “OFF.” Check that the printer switch (located in the left top corner of the keyboard) is set to “ON.”

Your paper roll may not be properly loaded into the paper feeder. Check that the paper roll is feeding through the paper slot (located in the back.)

Over time parts that are used on frequent basis, such as the printing unit can start to wear out and can fail. It is possible that you need to replace the printing unit.

The calculator will turn on but the digital display is dim.

The display uses florescent lighting. Just like light bulbs the lights can burn out over time. The Display may need to be replaced.

Key(s) are stuck either in the up or down position.

Keys can get stuck overtime due to sticky residues spilling or contacting the keys. Check to see if there is any residue on or around the key. Lightly dip a towel or q-tip in rubbing alcohol then gently rub the residue to remove it.

Something could have gotten underneath the key. Remove the face plate and remove anything that may have gotten under the key.