No matter what you try the calculator will not turn on

The contrast may have been turned down on the calculator. Hit the (2ND) button and then the up arrow button to raise the contrast. Repeat until the contrast is at the level you like.

The batteries may be dead. Replace the batteries with four new AAA batteries. Follow our guide to do so here.

The backup battery may be dead. Replace the backup battery by following our guide to do so here.

The RAM in your calculator may be corrupted. Before preceding learn how to back up your calculator here. Press and hold the (CLEAR) button while removing and replacing a battery. Caution: This will delete your calculator’s RAM, but if you followed the instructions above then you can get this back easily.

The software in your calculator may be corrupted. Before preceding learn how to back up your calculator here. Press and hold the (DEL) button while removing and replacing a battery. Caution: This will delete your calculator’s software, but if you followed the instructions above then you can get this back easily.

The motherboard may be broken. To replace it follow our guide here.

There are either black spots on the screen or the entire screen is black

If the whole screen is black it is likely that the contrast may have been turned up on the calculator. Press the (2ND) button and then the down arrow button to lower the contrast. Repeat this until the contrast is at the level you like.

If there are only spots of black on the screen the screen may have been cracked and damaged due to pressure that was applied to the screen. To replace the screen follow our instructions here.

Some or all buttons do nothing when the are pressed

The buttons may simply be stuck under the front plate. Try massaging the buttons to become unstuck or take the front plate off and put it back on making sure that buttons do not get stuck. To remove the front plate follow our guide here.

Some component of the keyboard, either certain buttons or the whole keyboard, is not operating correctly. Follow our instructions here to replace the entire keyboard. Or here to replace individual broken keys.

Programs are not working properly or at all