Student-Contributed Wiki

An awesome team of students from our education program made this wiki.

No matter what you do, you can’t get your netbook to turn on.

If your computer will not turn on, then it is possible that your computer’s battery is not charged. Plug in a known working charging cable to charge your battery, then attempt to turn on your machine.

If there is residue or an object blocking the battery connection, it may interfere with the computer turning on. Check to see if there are foreign objects or dirt blocking the connection from your battery to your computer. Refer to our * Velocity NoteMagix M10 A82 Battery Replacement guide to access the area for cleaning.

RAM that is not connected correctly will prevent the computer from turning on. To determine whether your RAM is correctly connected, refer to our * Velocity NoteMagix M10 A82 DDR RAM Replacement manual.

A hard drive that is not connected correctly will prevent the computer from turning on. To determine whether your hard drive is correctly connected, refer to our * Velocity NoteMagix M10 A82 Hard Drive Replacement manual.

The charging cable may not be functioning properly and so the battery may not charge when the cable is plugged in. Plug the cable into a known working outlet to see if your computer will charge, and make sure all connections are secure. If the battery does not charge, you may have to get a new charging cable.

If another NoteMagix netbook is available, attempt to charge its battery with the possibly faulty charging cable. If the battery does charge, than most likely the battery on your original NoteMagix netbook is faulty and needs to be replaced. If this is the case, refer to our * Velocity NoteMagix M10 A82 Battery Replacement guide.

The battery will not hold a charge.

When the computer’s battery is no longer able to hold a charge, it must be replaced with a new battery. Refer to our * Velocity NoteMagix M10 A82 Battery Replacement manual to help aid in this process.

No matter what buttons you press, nothing happens on screen.

Corrupted drivers will cause your keyboard to not work properly. Letters pressed may not be the letters that appear on the screen, or nothing may appear at all. Your keyboard driver may be at fault, which requires it to be reinstalled. This is normally done automatically, but if not, the driver can be downloaded from on the Velocity Micro website.

If re-installing the drivers does not solve the problem, then your keyboard most likely is not connected properly. Refer to our * Velocity NoteMagix M10 A82 Keyboard Replacement manual to check to see if your keyboard’s connection may be the problem.

When a character key is pressed, a different character appears on the screen.

Corrupted drivers will cause your keyboard to not work properly. Your keyboard driver may be at fault, which requires it to be reinstalled. This is normally done automatically, but if not, the driver can be downloaded from the Velocity Micro Website.

The cursor will not respond to movements on the mousepad.

Sometimes when using the mousepad, the cursor on the screen may not move, or will respond slowly to your movements. Your mousepad may have residue on it. Wipe the mousepad with a moist rag to remove any dirt.

When the mousepad settings are changed unknowingly, you may see unexpected output in response to your movements. If that is the case, then the settings can be edited in the settings menu in your device manager.

Corrupted drivers will cause your mousepad to not work properly. Your mousepad driver may be at fault, and so it needs to be reinstalled. This is normally done automatically, but if not you can download the driver file on the Velocity Micro website.

Any program using the camera does not display what the camera should be capturing.

A foreign object or dirt blocking the camera’s view will cause it to not display what it is pointing at. The camera may have residue on it. Wipe down the lens of the camera with a moist rag to remove any dirt.

Corrupted drivers will cause your camera to not work properly. When using the camera, a black image may be displayed if the camera is not working. Your camera driver may be at fault, which requires it to be reinstalled. This is normally done automatically, but if not, the driver file can be downloaded from the Velocity Micro Website.

The computer becomes extremely hot and overheats during use.

If air cannot flow through the cooling vents, the computer may overheat. When it overheats you will feel the bottom of the netbook near the vents on the left side get really hot. There may be dust or dirt blocking the cooling vents. Use compressed air to clear the vents located on the left side of the netbook.

If the netbook is heating up way too fast, or the netbook seems to have lost its ability to keep cool, the fan might be broken. A new fan must be installed. Refer to our * Velocity NoteMagix M10 A82 Cooling Fan Replacement guide for help.