Alternatively known as Control+G, ^g, and C-g, Ctrl+G is a keyboard shortcut often used to advance through Find results or move to a specific line in a document, spreadsheet, or text file.

How to use the Ctrl+G keyboard shortcut

To use this keyboard shortcut, press and hold either Ctrl key, and while continuing to hold, press G.

On Apple computers, this keyboard shortcut is performed using Command+G.

  • How to use the Ctrl+G keyboard shortcut.
  • Ctrl+G in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera.
  • Ctrl+G in Excel and other spreadsheet programs.
  • Ctrl+G in most text editors and IDEs.
  • Related keyboard shortcuts and keys.
  • Related information.
  • Computer keyboard shortcuts.

Ctrl+G in Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera

In Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera, pressing Ctrl+G advances to the next result after using the Find tool. For example, if you use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F to perform a search in the browser window, pressing Ctrl+G moves to the next match.

  • Firefox shortcuts
  • Google Chrome shortcuts
  • Internet Explorer shortcuts

Ctrl+G in Excel and other spreadsheet programs

In Microsoft Excel and most other spreadsheet programs, pressing Ctrl+G opens the Go To window that lets you focus a specific reference (cell). For example, you could press Ctrl+G, type n8, and press Enter to move to the N8 cell.

You can also press Enter to advance to the next result.

  • Full list of Excel shortcuts.

Ctrl+G in most text editors and IDEs

In most text editors and IDEs, Ctrl+G shortcut is used to go to a specific line in the file. For example, you could press Ctrl+G to open the Go To Line window, type 100, and press Enter to move the cursor to the 100th line.

Below are links to related keyboard shortcuts and individual key pages.

  • Alt+G
  • Ctrl

Ctrl, G, Go to, Keyboard shortcut, Keyboard terms

  • Computer keyboard shortcuts.
  • Top 10 keyboard shortcuts everyone should know.
  • Keyboard help and support.