In HTML programming, a block-level element is any element that starts a new line (e.g., paragraph) and uses the full width of the page or container. A block-level element can take up one line or multiple lines and has a line break before and after the element.

Examples of a block-level elements

  • - Shows contact information.
  • - Embed a Java applet.
  • - Contains the article's content.
  • - Denote a section that is quoted.
  • - Draw graphics using JavaScript.
  • - Add caption to table.
  • - Center text.
  • - Create an interactive widget to hide text.
  • - Designate a collection of file names.
  • - Creates a document division.
  • - Contain a list of definitions and their descriptions.
  • - Designate a term within a description list.
  • - Designate an area for interactive content.
  • - Designate an area of self-contained content
  • - Creates an input form to capture data.
  • - Create a frame window of another page.
  • to

    - Creates a heading.
  • - Create a header section.

  • - Create a horizontal line.