A Copyright is a protection for any published work that helps to prevent that work from being used without prior authorization. A Copyright may be indicated by the word “Copyright,” or a C surrounded by a circle (©). The Copyright might also be followed by the published date and the author of the work.

When work is Copyrighted, it may not be reproduced in any fashion unless the owner of the work grants proper rights. Computer Hope is not meant for legal representation, and how a Copyright is interpreted could vary. If you have additional questions or concerns about legalities, consult a legal consultant or attorney.

Copyright © 2023 Computer Hope

A Copyright for Computer Hope is at the bottom of each of our pages.

  • Example of a Copyright
  • Software Copyright
  • Should the word “Copyright” always be capitalized?
  • Is a Copyright the same as a trademark?
  • What is Copyright infringement?
  • Computer-related Copyright history
  • Related information

Like any original work, software is also protected by Copyright laws. Copying or installing software you have not purchased is a breach of Copyright and a criminal offense. All software you use should be fully licensed for each computer and user using the program.


No. A Copyright is a protection of intellectual property. A trademark is a protection of a brand, logo, motto, or another identifier. For example, the content on this page is Copyrighted and the company that owns the content, “Computer Hope,” is trademarked.

Copyright infringement is any duplication, reproduction, or otherwise copied use or distribution of any Copyrighted material without the expressed permission of the Copyright holder. For example, downloading any MP3 music without paying for it or using it in a video without the owner’s consent is Copyright infringement.

On June 17, 1980, Atari became the first company to register a Copyright for two computer games: “Asteroids” and “Lunar Landar.”

Business terms, Chilling effect, Cite, Copyleft, Creative commons, DMCA, DRM, Fair use, Footer, Freeware, License agreement, Orphan work, Patent, Plagiarism, Public domain, Watermark

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  • How to add a Copyright symbol on a web page.
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