Usually measured in megabytes per second (MBps), data transfer rate is the speed that data can be moved between one device and another.

What affects data transfer rates?

Data transfer rates can vary widely, depending on several factors, including one or more of the following:

  • If connected to a home or business network, the available bandwidth on that network.
  • If connected to the Internet, the download and upload speed of your Internet connection.
  • If connected to a network or the Internet using a wired cable connection, the maximum speed supported by the cable (i.e., Cat 5 network cable supports up to 100 Mbps for data transfer).
  • If connected to a network or the Internet using a wireless connection, the maximum speed supported by the wireless router and the wireless network adapter.
  • The number of users or computing devices on the same network or using the same Internet connection, that are transferring data at the same time. The more devices trying to send and receive data at the same time, the slower the data transfer rate.

Baud, BPS, Data, Data transfer, DTR, Modem terms, Network terms, Rate

With faster network and Internet connection speeds, and higher bandwidth, it takes a lot of users transferring data at the same time for a noticeable decrease in data transfer rates.

  • How to test the speed of your Internet connection.
  • Network and network card help and support.
  • Modem help and support.