Light may refer to any of the following:

  1. When referring to vision, light is electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye. More plainly, light is what makes objects and our surroundings visible to us. The Sun is a good example of a source that provides light and heat on Earth. With a computer, there are many types of lights. The most common are LEDs (light-emitting diodes), which are indicator lights often on the computer case, keyboard, monitors, and in other locations.

Light terms

The following list is other computer-related terms containing “light” in them. Visiting any of these links gives you further information about that type of light.

  • Access light
  • Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode.
  • Ambient light
  • Blue light
  • Cold cathode fluorescent lighting.
  • Keyboard light
  • Light pen
  • Light mode
  1. When describing a color, light is a pale or less saturated version. For example, light blue is softer than regular blue.

See our word and letter search tool to find all terms containing “light” or any other word or letters.

  • Is it normal for the computer power light to blink?
  • How to protect your eyes when using a computer.
  • No display or black screen on a computer monitor.
  • How to enable dark mode on a computer or mobile device.
  1. With weight, light is anything that is not very heavy relative to another, similar object. For example, an ultra-light laptop computer is lighter than a standard laptop.
  • HTML color codes.
  • Use HTML color picker to find your HTML color code.
  • CSS and HTML color help and support.

Color terms, Hardware terms, LED, RGB