Like a couch potato, a mouse potato is a person who sits at their computer for extended lengths of time (several hours). Because of the inactivity and the long time sitting, being a mouse potato can lead to health problems and obesity.

How to protect yourself if your a mouse potato

If you’re a mouse potato or work on the computer for extended periods of time, you can still do a lot to help protect yourself.

  • At the very least, get up from the computer every hour to stretch and move around.

  • While sitting at your desk, always keep your posture in mind. See our posture page for further tips and suggestions on how to sit properly at your desk.

  • Consider working at a standing desk or while on a treadmill part of the day.

Carpal tunnel, Mouse

You can drink water while at your desk and stretch each time you have to get up and go to the bathroom.

  • How to protect your eyes when using a computer.
  • What are the disadvantages of using a computer?