Programming command that is not run or executed when being read by the computer. For example, a commonly used nonexecutable statement is REM (remark) used in batch files and other Microsoft Windows and DOS programs.
The following is a listing of other text used to remark, comment, or cause the line to be skipped.
Example of nonexecutable statements
The following is a basic example of a Perl script and an example of how nonexecutable statements (comments) may appear in the code.
#Example of nonexecutable statements, this line is ignored.
use strict; #Use strict to prevent errors. my $name = “Nathan”; #Set the name variable to Nathan
print “Hello $name how are you?\n”; #Print greeting
In the above Perl code, notice that the comment can begin either at the beginning of the line, or after executable code. If the comment begins in the middle of a line, the remainder of the line is considered a comment.
, Comment, Programming terms, RemarkRelated information
- How to create a computer program.