Alternatively known as a manual of style, style book, or style manual, a style guide is an article, book, PDF, or website with a list of rules and usage that help guide writers.

The typical style guide gives an overview of basic grammar, punctuation, formatting, usage, standards, and terminology to help ensure a consistent form of writing.

Online style guides

Below is a list of different style guides available though an online website, PDF, or as a book.

  • American Medical Association (website).
  • American Physiological Society (website).
  • Apple Style Guide (Apple ibook).
  • Google style guide (website)
  • The Associated Press Stylebook (book and website).
  • BBC News Style Guide (website).
  • Better Homes and Gardens Stylebook (website).
  • The Canadian Press Writing Guide (book).
  • The Chicago Manual of Style (book and website).
  • The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style (book).
  • The Telegraph style book (website).
  • The Economist Style Guide (book).
  • The Elements of Style (website).
  • Georgia State University Writer’s Style Guide (website).
  • The Guardian and Observer style guide (website).
  • IEEE Computer Society Style Manual (PDF).
  • International Literacy Association Style Guide (website).
  • Jack Lynch’s Guide to Grammar and Style (book and website).
  • Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Editorial Style Guide (website).
  • Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Style Guide (website).
  • Microsoft Writing Style Guide (website).
  • Modern Humanities Research Association (book).
  • NASA Style Guide (website).
  • National Geographic Style Manual (website).
  • National Park Service Style Guides (PDF).
  • New York Official Reports Style Manual (website).
  • Reuters Handbook of Journalism (website).
  • Saint Louis University Style Guide (website).
  • Samford University Style Reference Guide (PDF).
  • Tameri Generalized Stylebook (website).
  • United Nations Editorial Manual (website and PDF).
  • U.S. Government Style Manual (PDF).
  • The Videogame Style Guide (eBook).
  • Wikipedia Manual of Style (website).
  • World Health Organization style guide (PDF).

Business terms, Standard, Style, Stylesheet

  • How to create a document.
  • How to save a document.