A Trademark may refer to any of the following:

  1. Abbreviated as TM, a trademark, trade mark, or trade-mark is a word, phrase, logo, or symbol that distinguishes one company or brand from another. It is usually an image or word that is easily recognized. Well-known trademarks include Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Apple, and Computer Hope.

Trademarks are registered with the government, which prevents other entities from using them without the company’s expressed consent. They are often denoted with a trademark symbol, which is the letter “R” in a circle or the letters “TM” in superscript.

No. A trademark is a protection of a brand, logo, motto, or another identifier. A Copyright is a protection of intellectual property. For example, the content on this page is Copyrighted by the company, “Computer Hope” which is trademarked.

  1. When referring to a domain name, .tm is the domain suffix for Turkmenistan.
  • How to insert symbols or special characters in a word processor.
  • Trademark and other extended special HTML characters and codes.
  • Listing of computer companies.
  1. TM is also an abbreviation sometimes that describes the Windows Task Manager.

Business terms, Computer abbreviations, Symbol