Analog may refer to either of the following:

  1. Analog or analogue is an electronic communication sent as signals of varying frequency. While digital signals communicate a binary value, such as ON or OFF, analog signals are best represented as graphs. Analog methods allow the equipment to handle information that continuously changes, such as voltage, current, and waves.

In the pictured example of a wave, it has a high and low value with numerous points in-between. With this type of digital signal, it would have high and low values (on or off), with nothing in-between.

  1. An analog device is a mechanical or electronic device that does not use digital signals. While a modern computer works by sharing binary, numerical information, analog devices convey information, like sound or visuals, by storing it on a physical medium like film, tape, or vinyl.

Examples of analog devices

  • Vinyl records and record players.
  • CRT (cathode ray tube) televisions and monitors.
  • VCR (video cassette recorder) players and tapes.
  • Any clock without a digital display.
  • Polaroid or film cameras.
  • Traditional laser photocopiers.

Digital, Electronics terms, PCM, Phone terms